Opening statement
by Landesrat Rudi Anschober (Councilor of Upper Austria for the Environment)
Introduction durch Dalibor Stráský,
video greetings by Elisabeth Köstinger (Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism)
Keynote: Study "Risk of lifetime extensions of old nuclear power plants" - background & method / Wolfgang Renneberg
Situation in individual states 1 / Dalibor Stráský, Marta Heveryova (Czech Republic), Leo Šešerko (Slovenia)
Situation in individual states 2 / Ulla Kloetzer (Finland), Bruno Chareyron (France)
Situation in individual states 3 / József Kóbor (Hungary)
Study "Risk of lifetime extensions of old nuclear power plants" - technical aspects / Oda Becker, Klaus Gufler
Nuclear power - unprofitable from A to Z / Kaspar Müller
Law and legal action: Possible steps against lifetime extensions / Patricia Lorenz
Panel and audience discussion